How to Overcome Barriers to Exercise
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Throughout my years as a PT then I have heard all of the barriers to exercise that people put up as reasons why they can’t exercise. Here are a few and ways to over come these barriers.
Lack of time
Let’s get rid of this one straight away. Long gone are the days where it is thought that you have to spend an hour in the gym to have a good workout. You can get a really good workout done at home with no equipment in 20minutes. We find time to sit down and watch tv in the evening. Even if you workout for the advert breaks of your favourite programme, if its an hour programme then that could be the best part of a 15-20 minute workout done.
Lack of energy and always feel tired.
By eating better (a well balance healthy diet of fats, carbs and proteins) rather than frozen meals and pizzas will give you better energy levels as will exercising itself. It is proven that moving more and exercise can give you more energy in the long term. I have found this myself whilst doing #TeamPBFIT I have a new baby girl who is 7 months and up most the night. Although when i get up in the morning sometimes I don’t feel like doing a workout, but I always feel a lot better for doing one. You never regret a workout only the ones you missed.
Lack of Money
Again you no longer need to be a member of a gym with monthly subscription fees. There are loads of free home workouts online and I have lots on my YouTube, Facebook and instagram pages that no equipment is needed just you.
I’m not fit enough
Possibly one of the strangest barriers I have come across. You do exercise to get fitter no matter where you are starting from. Fitness is all relevant to the individual. You can have an Olympic sprinter who is “fit” for sprinting but get them to do the 10,000m and they wouldn’t be fit enough to do it.
Mum / Dad guilt
Again another one that I can have empathy with. You feel guilty about having time to yourself in order to exercise. However, I have learnt that it is also important for you to have your own time as this will lead to you feeling better and happier about yourself, which in turn will benefit the time spent with your children.
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